Farmville 2: Learn how to earn 40 bottles +50 water! As we have already mentioned, the last agricultural fairs will soon appear. It will show when these succeed in winning the legendary status of the agricultural fair and successfully keep for several weeks to get all the exclusive rewards! We could find for you to these new awards that should appeal to many people soon!
Aprende Como Ganar 40 Biberones y 50 de Agua
Se nos acerca una nueva feria agrícola a farmville 2 y ya te podemos adelantar cuales serán los premios, entre ellos 40 biberones y 50 de agua. Sin embargo, no creas que será una tarea sencilla, ya que tendrás que competir contra otros granjeros para poder obtener los triunfos y ser una leyenda de la feria agrícola, sólo a partir de aquí empezarás a recibir los mejores beneficios y recompensas.
“You won the most prestigious agricultural fair price. Get the legendary status every week for great rewards. “
Here is a list of rewards that can be won in these new agricultural fair:
- This week, you have won a boost, more action cards, and more help to provide your friends.
- a lot of beans Sweet Lorane
- 12 water
- 35 water
- 50 parts water
- a nine energy doses
- a pack of 40 bottles
- a pack of salt and sugar
Estos son algunas de las recompensas de está feria:
- 40 biberones.
- 50 de agua.
- 35 de agua.
- 12 de agua.
- Recarga de energía.
- Paquete de sal.